Spring cleaning is a popular concept for the home, but what about in the office? Spring maintenance is a great way to keep certain key systems and machinery ready in case of emergency. You don’t want to find out during a fire that your alarm system or sprinkler is not working correctly.
When it comes to sprinkler maintenance, spring is the right time to identify and solve any issues that may have cropped up over the winter.
Check Your Smoke Detectors
You should test every smoke detector throughout the building more than just once a year. So, this is a great task to add to your spring to-do list for sprinkler maintenance. This will include CO2 detectors and could even include other alarms in your building. If they don’t catch the signs of fire, your sprinkler system will have no chance of working.
Look Over the Sprinkler Heads
Do a visual check of your sprinkler heads. Obvious things, like having them blocked or having anything hanging from them, should immediately be changed. Note any heads that look visibly damage or have been covered with something, like paint, dust or other contaminants. You will want to bring up all damaged heads to your expert when they do an inspection.
Have an Expert Inspection Done on Your Sprinkler System
Hire an expert to help you make sure the system is in good working order. During the winter, there is a possibility that the heads and sprinkler piping could freeze over. The spring is a good time to look everything over and adjust things as needed.
Repair or Replace Faulty Heads
Making the necessary changes can be a pain, but it’s crucial for keeping the building safe and protected. You don’t want a faulty sprinkler head if you can help it! Repair or replace damaged and old sprinkler heads before they become a problem, and you will save thousands of dollars.
Have a Sprinkler Shut Off Tool Readily Available
There are times when a sprinkler head fails, even after passing inspection. While a sprinkler head not turning on in the case of a fire is bad, a sprinkler head not turning off can be a huge problem too. A faulty head that comes on without warning or won’t turn off can do a lot of unnecessary water damage to the space.
A single sprinkler releases 60 gallons of water per minute.
Heads can fail without warning, even if you are getting regular inspections. A sprinkler shut off tool on every floor will allow you to quickly turn off the sprinkler head if there is ever a need. Just like any other emergency tool, this item should be readily available and people within the building should know where they are at and how to work them. This can save thousands of dollars in property loss if something goes wrong.
If you don’t have the right tools on hand to instantly shut off a faulty sprinkler head, we can help. The Shutgun is the world’s leading sprinkler shut-off tool and can turn off sprinkler heads within seconds. Get yours today!