Hotel Fire Safety Requirements: What Property Managers Need to Know

Emergency sprinkler head emergency water stopper

In the event of a fire, your commercial sprinkler system needs to function exactly as planned. But when a sprinkler system is mistakenly activated in a hotel room, stairwell, or hallway of a property when no fire is present, thousands of dollars in damage can occur. Keeping a fire sprinkler shut off tool is one way property managers can avoid this. Others include servicing your fire suppression system regularly and making sure older systems are still up to code. If you’re new to the game of hotel property management, some of these tips could save you from costly water damage. Others may save the lives of your guests, visitors, and staff. Here’s what we know.

Place Fire Extinguishers Along Normal Paths of Travel

Portable fire extinguishers must be available within 75 feet of occupants, and they should be located along normal paths of travel. This includes hallways, stairwells, and near emergency exits. This makes it easier for staff or even guests to battle small fires. Additionally, all staff should be properly trained in fire safety protocol, including:

  • Where fire extinguishers are located and how to use them
  • How to properly evacuate the building
  • Who to notify in the event of a fire

Large fire extinguishers over 40 pounds must be positioned low enough to the floor to be easily accessible. The top must be no higher than 3.5 feet from the floor, and the bottom more than 4 inches. Smaller fire extinguishers must also be at least 4 inches off the ground, and their tops cannot be more than 5 feet up the wall. This makes them easy enough for most people to use in the event of a fire.

Ensure Fire Extinguishers Match the Combustibles Present

Your fire extinguishers must also match the type of combustibles present. Using water on a grease fire, for example, would be catastrophic. For this reason, kitchen extinguishers usually differ from the ones found in stairwells. When doing your regular fire-safety inspections, make sure your hotel has the right extinguishers in the right locations:

  • Class A: Combustibles such as wood, carpet, bedding
  • Class B: Flammable Liquids such as chemicals
  • Class C: Electrical fires
  • Class D: Combustible metals such as lithium
  • Class K: Commercial cooking equipment

Extinguishers should be in good condition and clearly marked for everyone to easily find.

Keep a Fire Sprinkler Shut Off Tool on Every Level

It’s vital to have the right tools for the job, especially when the job involves suppressing a fire. For this reason, it’s also a good idea to store a fire sprinkler shut off tool on every level, wherever you house your extinguishers. This gives staff easy access and a quicker response time when shutting down a sprinkler misfire. And you must have your system inspected and tested regularly, so you’re sure it’s going to work when you need it most. This keeps guests safer, and it can also prevent damage to their belongings in the event a faulty fire sprinkler discharges in a room where someone is only smoking.

If you manage a hotel, a Shutgun can help you protect valuable property in the event your sprinkler system misfires. For more information, contact us today.

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