4 Types of Fire Sprinkler Heads

Fire sprinkler and red pipe on white ceiling background

System fire sprinklers are one of the most effective means of protecting your building from fire. Unfortunately, not all fire sprinkler systems are the same. You need to be very discerning as to what company you work with to protect your building from fire. In addition to the many different types of fire sprinkler systems that may be employed, there are also many different types of sprinkler heads that can be used. The type of sprinkler head and sprinkler stopper that is utilized in your application will vary based on the area that is being protected and the type of irrigation system that is being used. The following are some examples of popular types of fire sprinkler heads:

Pendant Sprinkler Heads With Sprinkler Stopper

This is the most popular form of fire sprinkler head used in homes and businesses. A suspended sprinkler head hangs from pipes above the ceiling, providing additional protection. Sprinklers that are not in use are still visible after they have been installed. This style of sprinkler head features a convex, round, gapped deflector plate that disperses water in a conical pattern across a large surface area. A sprinkler stopper can also be used with this type of fire sprinkler head.

Pendant Sprinkler Heads That Are Not Visible

Fire sprinklers with concealed pendant heads are implemented in situations where visually acceptable fire sprinklers are required. This sort of sprinkler head is sunk into the ceiling and covered with a decorative cap to give it a more elegant appearance. The ornamental caps are designed to come away when the temperature in the room drops to 20 degrees below the temperature at which the sprinklers are activated, in order to prevent the water from being obstructed from being released.

Upright Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads that are raised to the ceiling are known as upright sprinkler heads. These sprinkler heads have deflectors that are curled down to spray water in a circular pattern rather than a hemispherical one. Upright sprinkler heads are ideal for use in regions with impediments, exposed ceilings, or difficult-to-reach locations such as beams and ducts, among other things.

Sidewall Sprinkler Heads

Sidewall sprinkler heads are sprinkler heads that are installed on the side of a building’s wall. Half of a deflector is present on this sort of sprinkler head, which causes water to be discharged in a half circular pattern. The installation of sidewall sprinkler heads in tiny rooms, hallways, and other locations where the fire sprinkler pipes go up the walls is a common practice.

Which Fire Sprinkler Head Is the Best Fit for Your Situation?

You should speak with one of our representatives if you are unsure about which type of fire sprinkler head would be most appropriate for your particular application. We can assist you in determining which sprinkler head would be the most effective for your particular application needs.

Shutgun Fire Sprinkler Systems provides fire sprinkler systems and all four types of sprinkler heads, suitable for a wide range of applications. Sprinkler systems for commercial, government, industrial, and residential buildings have been installed by us in a wide range of building types and applications. If you would like to learn more about the sprinkler systems and sprinkler heads that we can supply, please contact us today!

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