No, we’re not saying that our product is pretty – it’s yellow, effective and necessary! When it comes to fire safety, luxury hotel designers are steering away from imposing safety features like the traditional red exit signs and exposed fire sprinkler heads are opting for safety products that support their luxury experience, carefully selecting products like edge-lit signs and recessed sprinkler head models which blend more seamlessly with the design of the hotel.
Shutgun has had to respond to this need by adapting our sprinkler shut off tool models.
Many high-end hotel chains are converting their semi-recessed sprinkler head systems to the concealed models as these heads provide the needed function to extinguish potential fires while seamlessly melding into the décor.
The Shutgun is a one-handed tool that immediately stops the flow of water from an activated fire sprinkler head. We have created a tool specifically for concealed sprinkler heads, ensuring not only the protection of the hotel from water damage, but that hoteliers will not have to sacrifice safety for beauty.
Concealed sprinkler heads offer hoteliers protection for both their guests and the property and blend seamlessly into the décor. But while the aesthetics of recessed sprinkler head models are safe – the concealed nature of them makes it harder to shut off in cases of accidental activation.
The concealed head Shutgun is equipped with a longer probe that can reach the opening of the water source recessed inside the sprinkler head. The end result: hoteliers can still provide the optimal luxury experience while keeping safety top of mind.
Safety features have come a long way from the obtrusive products in the past. Shutgun is happy to be on the leading edge!
Shutgun and Greg Patterson will be exhibiting at the HX: Hotel Experience trade show from November 8 to 10 at booth #2524a!