The Shutgun system was designed to respond to emergencies, therefore it needs to be accessible at all times. Ideally, we recommend that you place your equipment in a highly visible, labeled location. But let’s face it, sprinklers don’t discharge every day. So, it is easy for the equipment to be inadvertently placed into a toolbox or into a drawer.
When your sprinklers are accidentally discharged, the last thing you need to worry about is finding your Shutgun. Scrabbling in a drawer or a toolbox for the shut off system increases the risk of damage. Time is of the essence. Purchasing the Shutgun is the first step to ensure quick shut off occurs, but what if you can’t find the equipment?
That why we’ve recently developed and launched a new Shutgun protective case with space to hold three versions of our Shutgun products.
At Technicraft Product Design, we are continually responding to the unexpected. We believe that ease of access is as essential as ease of use; and so our new case that not only holds the equipment but is a bright yellow to ensure that you can find it when you need it.
The decision to develop the case was not made lightly. We knew that it wasn’t just about protecting the product, but keeping it of top of mind. The case needed to be lightweight while ensuring that it could be found within seconds. Yellow/orange is the color frequently associated with danger, and so it subliminally communicates that this is something that we need.
The golden color not only reflects the Shutgun brand but is visible in all lighting conditions, and by those that are colour blind. When those sprinklers are discharged, the last thing you need to worry about is finding your tools, so we created a case that your eyes will be drawn towards.
The extremely durable, waterproof exterior protects your equipment in the case of water damage or falls. While the interior is designed to hold not just one, but three Shutgun products, ensuring that you have the right product for all sprinkler heads – standard, sheared head or recessed.
Visit our product section to purchase this product online, and fill it with the Shutgun products tailored for your specific building or facility needs.