A Bright Future For Shutgun in Israel

The Collingwood Fire Department (CFD) hosted the Shutgun team, including one of Shutgun’s most successful distributors Guy Porat from DN Proper Real Estate in Israel. Porat visited Collingwood to see the Shutgun headquarters and to talk about the very bright future of Shutgun in Israel.

CFD Chief Dan Thurman and the rest of the crew led a tour of the facilities for Porat and Shutgun General Manager Alison Miller.

Miller says the tour was excellent. “The CFD has been a longtime supporter of the Shutgun Fire Sprinkler Shut-Off Device, and we couldn’t be more appreciative.”

Chief Thurman and the Shutgun team paused for a photo in front of a Collingwood Tower 1 fire truck. Alison says the highlight of this visit was possibly one of CFD’s newer firefighters, commonly referred to as a “probie,” modelling two Shutgun devices.

“Our favourite ‘probie’ was doing his best Arnold or Sylvester pose with a couple of Shutguns,” says Alison. We thought that was a lot of fun!”

The Shutgun team looks forward to continuing its long history with its partners in Israel and the CFD.

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